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2000 Portable Going Mobile
Mini-Guide for North America

Are you roadtripping this summer? Want to take Going Mobile with you without the hassle? Due to the huge popularity of our portable guides in '98, we've brought them back! Download our portable guides ... mini-versions of Going Mobile that fold to fit in your pocket.

This is a print document. In order to make it have the same appearance for everyone, we've put it in Adobe's PDF format. The beauty of this is that it will work for both PCs and Macs and will print in the same size and specifications for all.

      Follow these steps:

mini guide 2000
  1. To view PDF files, you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader, available free from If you don't have Acrobat Reader, Have a look at the Adobe site, download the Acrobat Reader installer to your hard drive and follow the installation instructions.
    Then come back here.

  2. Download the portable guide(s) you need to follow the tour. (Note: if you do not see the booklet(s) for your upcoming show(s) here yet, check back or check what's new. We're working on them.)

    So here's the second leg of the North American tour:

    5h Show Survival Guide PDF: 352k

    6. Montreal, Toronto & Detroit PDF: 114k
    7. Milwaukee, Chicago, St. Louis & Kansas City PDF: 82k
    8. Houston, Dallas & Lubbock PDF: 65k
    9. Albuquerque, Phoenix & Las Vegas PDF: 67k
    10. Los Angeles, San Diego & Fresno PDF: 96k
    11. San Bernardino, Sacramento & San Francisco PDF: 83k
    12. Boise, Portland & Seattle PDF: 204k

  3. Download the folding/assembly instructions.
    folding instructions PDF: 32k

    Note: the Adobe Acrobat Reader is a plug-in that will launch within your web browser once the PDF file is downloaded.

  4. Print it (a color inkjet will work great!)
    The folds and margins may not come out perfectly on all printers. We've tried to optimize for most models. If one margin is wider than the other, trim it before folding and assembling.

  5. Assemble it!
You're ready to go!